Blog: Human Shape Reconstruction


From Pointcloud

[CVPR 2023] CloSET: Modeling Clothed Humans on Continuous Surface with Explicit Template Decomposition [pdf]

Hongwen Zhang, Siyou Lin, Ruizhi Shao, Yuxiang Zhang, Zerong Zheng, Han Huang, Yandong Guo, Yebin Liu

[NeurIPS 2021] Garment4D: Garment Reconstruction from Point Cloud Sequences [pdf][code]

Fangzhou Hong, Liang Pan, Zhongang Cai, Ziwei Liu

[ICCV 2021] The Power of Points for Modeling Humans in Clothing [pdf][code]

Qianli Ma, Jinlong Yang, Siyu Tang, Michael J. Black

[ECCV 2022] Learning Implicit Templates for Point-based Clothed Human Modeling [pdf][code]

Siyou Lin, Hongwen Zhang, Zerong Zheng, Ruizhi Shao, Yebin Liu

[3DV 2022] Neural Point-based Shape Modeling of Humans in Challenging Clothing [pdf][code]

Qianli Ma, Jinlong Yang, Michael J. Black, Siyu Tang

[CVPR 2021] SCANimate: Weakly supervised learning of skinned clothed avatar networks [pdf]

Shunsuke Saito, Jinlong Yang, Qianli Ma, and Michael J Black

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From Multi-view RGBD

[SIGGRAPH 2023] AvatarReX: Real-time Expressive Full-body Avatars [pdf]

Zerong Zheng, Xiaochen Zhao, Hongwen Zhang, Boning Liu, Yebin Liu

[ICCV 2021] DeepMultiCap: Performance Capture of Multiple Characters Using Sparse Multiview Cameras [pdf][code]

Yang Zheng, Ruizhi Shao, Yuxiang Zhang, Tao Yu, Zerong Zheng, Qionghai Dai, Yebin Liu.

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From Multi-view RGB

[CVPR 2019] PIFu: Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution Clothed Human Digitization [pdf]

Shunsuke Saito, Zeng Huang, Ryota Natsume, Shigeo Morishima, Angjoo Kanazawa, Hao Li

[CVPR 2020] PIFuHD: Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization [pdf]

Shunsuke Saito, Tomas Simon, Jason Saragih, Hanbyul Joo

[CVPR 2022] DoubleField: Bridging the Neural Surface and Radiance Fields for High-fidelity Human Reconstruction and Rendering [pdf]

Ruizhi Shao, Hongwen Zhang, He Zhang, Mingjia Chen, Yanpei Cao, Tao Yu, Yebin Liu

[ECCV 2022] DiffuStereo: High Quality Human Reconstruction via Diffusion-based Stereo Using Sparse Cameras [pdf]

Ruizhi Shao, Zerong Zheng, Hongwen Zhang, Jingxiang Sun, Yebin Liu.

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Diffusion Model

This repository contains a collection of resources and papers on Diffusion Models. [code]

[NeurIPS 2020] Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models [pdf]

Jonathan Ho, Ajay Jain, Pieter Abbeel

[arXiv 2022] Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey of Methods and Applications [pdf]

Ling Yang, Zhilong Zhang, Yang Song, Shenda Hong, Runsheng Xu, Yue Zhao, Wentao Zhang, Bin Cui, Ming-Hsuan Yang

[CVPR 2022] High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models [code] [pdf] [supp]

Robin Rombach, Andreas Blattmann, Dominik Lorenz, Patrick Esser, Björn Ommer

[ICLR 2023] MDM: Human Motion Diffusion Model [code]

Guy Tevet, Sigal Raab, Brian Gordon, Yonatan Shafir, Daniel Cohen-Or, Amit H. Bermano

Blog: What are Diffusion Models? [project]

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Volumetric TSDF Fusion of RGB-D Images in Python [code]

THUman5.0 dataset [code]

A Large-Scale Semantic and Emotional Multi-Modal Dataset for Conversational Gestures Synthesis

HuMMan: Multi-Modal 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Sensing and Modeling [project]

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